Inside the Mind of our ASB President: Oluwadara Falodun
Golden Valley is home to many talented students, one of which is our ASB president: Dara Falodun. While she became the president this year, she is a veteran in student government dating all the way back to 5th grade. She has always had a passion for student government, since being a part of her community has always been important to her. Falodun has been a part of student government for so long, it has given her a new perspective on the work that goes into event planning.

As the ASB President, Dara is in charge of organizing many events at Golden Valley High School, like a face painting booth in celebration of Dia De Los Muertos, November 3rd 2023 at Golden Valley High School.
(Dylan Vo)
As the President, Falodun keeps the whole team on track, as well as making sure everyone feels welcomed. She gives announcements every Monday and Friday to keep the ASB members up to date with the latest information. Falodun stated a big part of her job is “Keeping up to date with all teams” and making sure everyone is on task.
Outside of her role as ASB president, Falodun has aspirations to pursue a career in the health field. When she’s done with highschool she plans on going to college to research STEM and follow a pre med track. This will help her in becoming a doctor as well as getting involved in public health policies.
A big part of leadership is assessing the strengths and weaknesses of everyone. When it comes to Falodun she feels that her strength is being very close to her members. Falodun mentioned that she likes to “keep the energy there, and make people feel comfortable.” Interestingly, she feels as though her biggest weakness is public speaking. In a role like hers, public speaking is common, so she is constantly working to improve what she is the worst at.

Meet Dara Falodun, the president for GV’s ASB team for 2023-2024, October 4th 2023 at Golden Valley High School.
(Dylan Vo)
When Falodun was asked about her best strength and worst weakness in which she stated “it was easier to think of my weakness.” This displays that she is more focused on her shortcomings and self-improvement. To improve her weaknesses in leadership, she “wants to be more comfortable when up in front of a mic or a classroom.” As she is a big role model here on campus, it’s important to see how she thinks. It is also important to see her reasons for wanting to take on such a task as the ASB president.
Falodun would consider her relationship with ASB as “very healthy”. She mentions how she wishes there was, “more participation from students.” A lot of people simply don’t have access to the right information in regards to what events ASB has going on and thus, don’t know when they are happening. Falodun wants that to change, because she knows that more participation will only lead to a better campus environment. If you would like to be more involved, you can find out when events are and how to participate here. If you would like to see more ASB information, their instagram is @gvhsasb and you can catch GVTV and the daily news on youtube.