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Grizzlies Girls Soccer Team Really Showed Off The 2024 Season

Golden valley girls fight for the ball at their game on Thursday, feb 1st
Golden valley girls fight for the ball at their game on Thursday, feb 1st
Noa Prothais

Golden Valley’s Girls soccer has fought hard this season, going head to head with many teams and just coming shy of winning the league title. The Grizzlies were very strong during preseason getting a 5-0 win against Littlerock High School, grabbing a 7-0 win against Eastside High School, and a 3-0 win against Burroughs High School. The Grizzlies entered the Foothill League with a great mindset and a tight bond.

Golden valley goes against west ranch varsity girls and lose by 2 points (Noa Prothais)

When interviewed, Senior Captain Lexi Friedrich (Central Defensive Midfielder) gave her thoughts on how their preseason went: “I think preseason went pretty well in my opinion, we started strong with high scoring wins and kept the opposing team at a low score when we lost, but overall the competition was fairly even.”

During their games, the Grizzlies linked up well with each other, with Senior Captain Lexi Friedrich leading the Grizzlies, and being able to turnover touches to goals.

The lead goal scorers for the Grizzlies this year have been Lexi Friedrich, Ava Eilola, and Leyla Goodman, while the assist leaders for the Grizzlies were Audrey Tait, Hylenne Gomez, and Jazmin Perez.

When Friedrich was asked how she felt about her team, she stated, “I am proud of my team, they’re a great group that I loved to be around, and after everything no matter the score everyone tried and never gave up.”

Unfortunately, they placed seventh in the foothill league but look to return stronger next year.

Golden valley and Westranch pull a header in attempt to gain the ball (Noa Prothais)

The Grizzlies fought hard this season, finishing the season stronger than they started. “Wiith preseason wins being better than last year I thought we would come out with at least a couple of wins but the results sadly didn’t go in our favor especially the first half of the season. The second half went just better and I feel we fought harder the rest of the season,” Friedrich said.

Overall throughout the season, the Grizzlies scored thirty goals, the most notable being their Eastside game when they slotted seven goals past the Lion’s defense, and 15 assists throughout the season.

The Grizzlies have improved from the previous 22-23 season, adding more wins to their record than the previous three seasons.

Golden valley (1) tries to keep the ball away from a Westranch girl (14) (Noa Prothais)

When interviewed, Friedrich gave her opinions on the team bond and chemistry, telling The Gazette “I felt we connected well as a team and that helped us put up more of a fight against West Ranch and Canyon, and overall I think the team chemistry was pretty good. I feel like we all got along well and everyone was friends with each other.”

The Grizzlies fought tooth and nail this season, and look to return to give it their all the 24-25 season with star returners such as Audrey Tait, Emilie House, and Ava Eilola.

In the end, the Grizzlies had a great, hard-working season. We wish them all the best of luck from the Grizzly Gazette in the next season!

About the Contributor
Noa Prothais
Noa Prothais, Staff Writer
Noa Prothais is in 10th grade, she is bilingual in French and english. She is a staff writer on the Sports News Team for the Grizzly Gazette. Outside of school work Noa is part of the XC and Track team, and after school she does ballet. She’s on varsity for both Track and XC and has been doing ballet for almost 9-10 years. After only doing track for a few months last year she went to CIF. Being an athlete she’s very passionate about writing sports so that she can hopefully share the journey of individual teams or student athlete, she wants to be able to share about personal records and team environment to encourage the respect and time it takes to commit to a sport, she’d also like to write about student spotlight stories or CEPAT, because it involves more than one topic. She really wants to be part of the grizzly gazette to learn more about this profession to hopefully pursue this in the future. She loves writing, running, and dancing, occasionally drawing.