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Is It real, or Do Seniors Just Want to Ditch

Is It real, or Do Seniors Just Want to Ditch

Is it real, or do Seniors just want to Ditch?

Throughout the year it has been made apparent that seniors at Golden valley are not aware of when senior ditch day actually is. Is it the lack of news, or is it fellow classmates that created the confusion?

“Teachers have nothing to do with it” teacher Rachel Arrietta stated. Senior ditch day is not a school sanctioned event. This event that usually takes place near the end of the year, as the end is quickly approaching seniors still have no idea when it is.

What is meant to be a memorable event has now turned into a stressful one because of the fear people might miss out. “I actually heard that they had one a week or so ago,” said Arrietta.

Events are a big part of Golden Valley’s campus, as they are one of the highlights of being a part of this school. In addition, Senior year is one of the most important years in a student’s life not only because it is the year before college, but it is a year of experiences. Grad Night, prom, and graduation are activities seniors are looking forward to. One of those activities include senior ditch day.

Seniors have received information for most of these events, however the one event that lacks information is senior ditch day. In a poll The Grizzly Gazzete conducted I asked “Do you know when senior ditch day is” 100% of seniors said “no”. This fear of missing out stems from how late information throughout the year has been given, causing seniors to question if they should go ahead and create the event on their own.

March, April, May, or is there a day at all?

As a senior, I think we could do a lot better when it comes to events we can participate in.

Seniors felt that they received little to no information about purchasing caps and gowns and when they did find out it felt like time was slipping out of their hands. In previous years senior ditch day took place at the beach and everyone was informed. Seniors do not want to constantly go searching for answers that should have already been given, specifically with events that are meant to be enjoyed.

Seniors are more than willing to create the senior ditch day on their own with group activities such as going to the beach or having a movie day with friends. However, this would mean someone needs to step up and create the event for the rest of the class of 2024 to enjoy. So what will it be? Should we value our traditions? Or will we let laziness over power what we value?

About the Contributor
Janai Holland
Janai Holland, Section Editor
Janai Holland, is currently a senior and a Section Editor on the Campus News Team for the Grizzly Gazette.  She is in two diffrent levels of theater. Theater two is children's theater which requires me to have a good personality and be very energetic and theater three is the main stage production, which is the play produced for the school. She is very passionate about storytelling, poetry, and music. She is a part of Golden valleys new clubs, Fables and Films. She is a current member of NSHSS. She is very excited to talk about the Golden Valley community in general, which may include details about new and upcoming clubs, our arts department, and give insight on some students and topics we as a community are unaware about. Writing about these topics will not only be compelling to write about but it will also captivate our audience and give them more information that is valuable to them. Being a student journalist allows her to gain a better understanding of where she goes everyday along with trying to give this same understanding if not a better one to the people in our community.