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Senior Assassin

Senior Assassin

Watch out! Senior assassin has made his way to Golden Valley, and you might get caught in the midst of it.

Senior Assassin is a game that is played all around the world. A lot of things have influenced this game. Some of these things include social media, and the senior class. This game has gone viral for its funny and strategic videos, and the massive amount of money you can win while playing.

Although it is not a school-affiliated event, and our school is in no way overseeing, planning it, or encouraging it, Golden Valley senior class has made the game their own.


The rules of the game are basic, yet regulated. The way the game works is that everyone who wants to play has to submit a five-dollar entry fee. The purpose of the entry fee is to gather all the money as a prize for the final winner. In the game, immunity could be incentivized. Immunity is granted if you wear floaties or goggles properly that saves you from elimination. There are also safe zones to prevent elimination, which include school, school-related events, religious events, work, and homes unless permitted by someone who lives in the home.

The host of the game sends out targets after everyone has joined the game. After you receive your target, you have one week to find them, and get a clear video of you shooting them with a water gun. You must send that video to the host to be posted so everyone can see that you got your target out. Then you will adopt their target. When you can, go after your new target or play it safe, but because you eliminated someone that means you are safe from that week’s purge.

At the end of each week, there is a purge for people who did not get their target out that week. In the purge, you can go for anyone with no immunity in play and only safe zones will work. This will happen every Saturday until there is only one person left. After there is only one person standing, that person gets all the money.

This game has made its way to Golden Valley only a couple of weeks ago and it has quickly grabbed the attention of over 1oo students in the senior class and even more in the lower grades. Over the past few weeks, students have been following the account and engaging with other students that they feel they’ve never had a connection with, or talked to before.

Kaleb Melara, a fellow student, and current player in the game stated how it felt to have a large amount of the senior class bonding over this game. He stated, “It’s really cool because at the beginning of the year, we weren’t really like this, so it’s good we’re ending the year on a high note.”

Melara mentioned his strategies when playing the game: “I’ve just worn my floaties 24/7, sleeping in them, working out in them, working in them, hooping in them, showering in them, just having them everywhere to never catch me lacking.”

Planning the game took a lot of effort, and we wanted to get insight from the hosts of the game. Due to privacy concerns, they will remain anonymous.

When asked how they feel about running the game, they stated, “It’s fun to run the game because it’s fun to see all the seniors come together, and to connect and get to know each other.”

The hosts of the game were happy to see the class bonding so well through the game. They stated, “It feels really good because it’s the end of the school year and we are all going to spin off in our own ways at a certain point. It’s good to see us all come together and work together and it’s an enjoyable experience.”

The rules of the game can be tricky and the participants of the game had questions on how targets were assigned. One of the hosts explained, “So we do a random name generator and we have a list of students who have given their money and then each person will be picked and it goes on until it’s the end of the line.”

This game has already become a senior tradition in different schools, however it was only recently introduced to The Golden Valley community. The host’s explained their motive, saying “I wanted to run the game because I thought it would be something cute and I’ve seen other schools do it and it’s something they all enjoyed and I think our class really needed something to bond with and it’s something they all enjoyed and it had a really good outcome.”

This game has not only been played in Golden Valley, but it has been spread across all of the Hart district. While most games have ended in the Hart District, Golden Valley’s games are still being played with 6 students still in the game. With the following account, it is speculated to end by Graduation.

Many students from different schools in our districts have even engaged with each other, seen each school’s prize pools and even competed with which school was going to end up with the most money for their winner.

With senior year coming to an end, seniors were able to come together one last time and make one final memory with a sweet prize pool of $900 for whoever wins. This game has made an impact on many students and even though it is not played inside of GV, many think this will continue into next year’s senior class.

About the Contributors
Jazmin Rodriguez
Jazmin Rodriguez, Heads of Marketing
Jazmin Rodriguez is a senior at Golden Valley High School and one of the Heads of Marketing for the Grizzly Gazette.. She is involved in varsity cheer and she is the senior class president in asb. As senior class president she listens to the seniors on our campus and works to make the school year better for them through events and interest our seniors like! Some of her favorite things are the color pink, sushi, Sonny Angels and anything strawberry. She is also a huge fan of Taylor Swift and her favorite Taylor Swift song is All Too Well 10 minute version. Jazmin is passionate about student spotlight stories and covering all the extracurricular at school. Jazmin is very passionate about it because she is involved with many extracurricular and loves to hear people who normally aren't heard. Getting to know new people and hearing what different groups and organizations have to say really interests her and wants to make sure we cover more articles about these people. Being a student journalist means a lot to her. She has always loved to be involved in her school. With being a student journalist she hopes to make a difference towards her school as it is her last year. 
Tyler Parks
Tyler Parks, Heads of Marketing
Tyler is one of the Heads of Marketing for the Grizzly Gazette, a senior in ASB, and a part of every club on campus because I oversee them. In ASB, I’m C.L.O.R.G. Liaison. This is where I help all clubs and organizations with things they need help with and events for them. I’m also the connection between clubs and ASB. I’m excited to cover any campus topics because I love our campus, especially this year. After all, we are making a comeback and being way more lively. Being a student journalist means helping everyone see the whole story, not just bits and parts. This matters to me because I do a lot for Golden Valley, and I hope everyone can see how much work goes into everything. I love hanging out with friends and going on adventures. I hate being in the house 24/7; it makes me sad because I feel I don’t get enough human interaction. I’m very outgoing and outspoken. I will never be a bystander. I work at Starbucks, so you already know I’m a master at drink-making.