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Widespread Child Sex Trafficking Exposed – “The Sound of Freedom”

"As of 2023, 27.6 million humans are victims of trafficking, with an estimated 3.3 million of those being children just in 2022."
“As of 2023, 27.6 million humans are victims of trafficking, with an estimated 3.3 million of those being children just in 2022.”
Lynn Escobar

As of 2023, 27.6 million humans are victims of trafficking, with an estimated 3.3 million of those being children just in 2022. Human trafficking is defined as the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation. Small children around the world are being kidnapped, stolen from their families, and sold for sex.

“Could you sleep at night knowing one of your children’s beds is empty?” This is a quote from the character Roberto Aguilar in the movie “Sound of Freedom” (2023). It is easy to dehumanize these numbers and figures, seeing them as numbers on a screen, 27.6 million people, and 3.3 million being children. Instead, when you imagine your little brother, little sister, or little cousin, you only begin to understand the significance of the numbers.

Exploring the Profound Scenes from Sound of Freedom. (Ashlynn Escobar )

“Sound of Freedom” is directed, and co-written, by Alejandro Monteverde, produced by Eduardo Verastegui, and released by Angel Studios, an American independent media company. It is based on the true stories of Tim Ballard, a former special agent dedicated to rescuing children from sex traffickers.

The movie is filled with ineffable emotion, a masterpiece of a film with an intense emphasis on family as well as the unearthing of evil. The fact that it is based on a true story makes it more impactful, as well as the real footage they include of children getting kidnapped at the start of the movie.

The movie is described as a thriller, because the main character saves a little boy and then his sister from pitiless human traffickers. However, it is really a commentary on the issue, as it raises awareness of these real life problems and goes through a story that really happened with people that actually exist.

At the end of the movie, they show the real footage of scenes that happened in the movie, as well as the real faces of various characters. Watching this movie will give you a deep desire to help solve the problem of trafficking.

Sonny Bustamante, leader of the Truth Be Told club, when interviewed about the movie said that the “Sound of Freedom has a message that is very, very difficult to hear. But it’s one that everybody needs to hear. It sheds light on extremely important issues and learning about them is the first step to overcoming these issues. Everybody should watch this movie.”

If you have a suspicion of someone being a victim of trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free at 1-888-373-7888. They are available 24/7 to take reports. You can also text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733, and contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline Web Chat via

Report missing children or child pornography to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at 1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678) or through the Cybertipline.

About the Contributors
Shadd Jimenez
Shadd Jimenez, Staff Writer
Shadd Jimenez is a high school senior, a staff writer for the Community News team, and he is a saxophone player in the Golden Valley High School Advanced Jazz Band. He has made numerous honor groups like the Colburn Jazz Combo, the William S. Hart District Jazz All-Stars big band, Hart District Honor Band, Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and many other bands. He was section leader in multiple bands, and is passionate about covering music and the arts. He is passionate about it because he is heavily involved in these topics, and is glad to be a part of the newspaper to research and talk about it. He is also glad to provide information about topics that most people do not know about, but that he finds very interesting. He wants to go to either UCLA or USC for jazz, but is also considering California Institute of the Arts, Manhattan School of Music, and New England Conservatory of Music.
Ashlynn Escobar
Ashlynn Escobar, Staff Writer
Lynn was born in Antelope Valley California, but raised in Santa Clarita the rest of her life after she turned 1 years old. They are now a senior at Golden Valley High School and a staff writer for the CEPAT News Team. Her family is very involved with her and wants her to succeed.  She is involved with their school club called HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America). She’s also involved with theater arts (children theater). She has been in theater for 3 years of her high school years. She is very passionate to be talking about medical and health related topics. She is very passionate because she sees herself getting into the medical field. Being a journalist is  new to her, but she hopes to share more of the issues of art and creativity in our world by educating people about art, culture, entertainment and how it's made. Ashlynn is very interested in anything horror, loves Vampire Diaries, and loves Spiderman!