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Grand Central Collective: Home Away From Home

Picture of the outside that is filled with wonderful people who all as a small community get together to rise up.
Picture of the outside that is filled with wonderful people who all as a small community get together to rise up.
Haylie Adame

In the midst of life’s chaos, we all need a safe place to run to. For me, my church stands as a sanctuary, my home away from home. Within its walls, I find belonging and a shared faith that binds us together. It’s not just a place of worship; it’s where I find rest and comfort.

It has never been easy to open up to many people, or even want to be around a lot of people all the time. Little did I know that Grand Central Collective would be my home church, and I would be part of the most lovely community I could ever be around.

What does it mean to be part of a collective?

The word collective is a noun, adjective, and a very with all different meanings that come together as one.
-It is a group of people acting together
-A flock marked by similarity, and considered whole through unity, and it also means
-Stronger as one body in Christ.

From my own personal experience, a collective means becoming part of a family that supports, loves, and understands you. It’s having a community be your family as if you have known them your whole life.

Ever since I could remember, change has never been good for me. When I moved to Santa Clarita, it was not easy to make friends or find a place where I truly belonged. My life was forever changed when I met my boyfriend who has a firm foundation in what he believes in. Additionally, I found a church with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.

My first experience was when I went to their youth group lock-in event, and from the minute I stepped into Grand Central Collective, I felt accepted by the Youth Pastors Adam and Hailey. Ever since, I have continued to go to youth groups every Thursday night, knowing that I am able to be myself with everyone makes me feel so at peace and loved.

My home away from home is not only somewhere I am at constantly, but also with people who continue to make me feel important and comforted when life becomes too much. I have people to lean on, support me in my life journey, and depend on when I need them.

I went to Sunday service, and was immediately surrounded by people who all have a love for God and care so much. The Head Pastor and his wife, Darrell and Terry Maston, are the most supportive and warm-hearted people who are lovely to all they meet as well as serving in the church.

Everyone needs a community who they can sort of escape to and feel comfortable with, whether that is at church, with friends, or extended family. We all need people to make life full and enjoyable and I hope that everyone one day is able to find a collective.

After a year of going to church, I was baptized in the summer of 2023 in front of the whole church and I felt uplifted by everyone that day. My devotion to the church and being part of a community made my whole family be a big part of it too.

Ever since I have been going to Grand Central Collective, my life has been forever changed thanks to the whole church that has been by my side through the ups and downs. Having a community, a collective, makes everything better in life.

To further explain how much community means to other people, I asked people from my church what being part of a collective means to them and these were their responses.

Whether you are or are not a Christian, we all need relationships to survive, that is how we are made. Collective is a word that describes a group of people acting together, stronger as one body in Christ. What is your collective?












About the Contributors
Haylie Celeste Adame
Haylie Celeste Adame, Editor-in-Chief
Haylie Celeste Adame is Co Editor-In-Chief of the Grizzly Gazette, and is a Senior here at Golden Valley. She is actually a part of Hosea and Truth Be Told Club while being a positive influence to all she meets on campus as much as possible. She is passionate about writing stories while also being a leader, she went from a staff writer to section editor of community news which is something she is glad she can experience and hopes the second year will go great. She loved writing about SCV as a whole while diving deep into the reasons things were happening instead of the first layer of information that could be found.  To her, being a student journalist means going above and beyond to get valuable and true information out to anyone who reads their stories. This matters so much because it is not only a great skill to have but also something fun and collaborative to be on an amazing team. Whole experience from last year to her was a 10/10 for sure. These three years in SCV have been full of new people and experiences while being with her family and two cats. She loves to bake, hang out with friends, and learn anything healthcare related. One interesting thing about her that nobody believes is that she is passionate about singing for her church and could not be in a better place in her life. Her number one supporter is her boyfriend who has been there as nothing but a lovely addition to her life for a year and a half. She is in high hopes that the class of 2024 Grizzly Gazette will be seen anywhere it can and this year’s team will become family and friends by the end of it all!
Haylie Adame
Haylie Adame, Managing Editor, Community News
Haylie Celeste Adame is a Managing Editor for Community News, and is a junior here at Golden Valley. Though she doesn't have much experience with campus involvement, she continues to spread positivity while in GV. She is passionate about writing stories on Community News Team because of the huge potential and range of stories that can be written. Also,  she is very passionate about learning the reason behind things rather than the topic itself, and finds it very interesting. To her, being a student journalist is having fun, giving information on serious or interesting topics, and being able to be flexible while being collaborative. This really matters not only because it is a good skill to have but also because it’s something new to be in and experience. She loves baking, her family, and school (sometimes). She has the best boyfriend in the world who she is so crazy about. She is going to be having a little brother in about two months.