Bus routes 629, 628,630 change times for more effective student transportation
Bus Routes 628, 629 and 630 are set to arrive at their stops 30 minutes earlier for more efficient student transportation. Students around campus have been late far too often because of inefficient public bus transportation to school.
Parents and Students expressed grievances about this, which results in the school administration, specifically Principal Mr. Frias, getting involved and facilitating the situation.
There are two ways of public transportation for students; one is the district buses that are primarily used for special education students to get to school, and the other one is Santa Clarita’s Public transportation. William Hart School district schools send their bell schedules to the public transportation every year so the public transportation can modify their schedule to fit with the times of the school for students who need transportation.
This did not work so well this year.
Many students have been late to first period classes because of the buses. “A lot of the time it’s late or just doesn’t show up at all, so then I have to take a city bus”, said student Noah Richards, who has been taking public bus transportation to Golden Valley since his freshman year.
Around twelve students go on that one bus, and some students have been worried about getting in trouble because of this. Each student has taken action to prevent losing their privileges because the bus was late. To inform the administration about the bus’s inefficiency Noah explained “Usually, I’ll have one of my parents call or go to the attendance office or tell my teacher that the bus was late and I couldn’t do anything about that.”
As for administration, it is thanks to Mr. Frias’s efforts that we have these time changes in the first place.
“I’ve communicated it to anybody above that has authority of transportation. I’ve talked to the director of transportation, city directory of transportations board members have been communicated to, district superintendents have been communicating with so voices have been expressed.” said Mr. Frias.
His efforts have not been in vain. So far this school year, three bus routes have changed times and students now are able to get to school 25 minutes earlier so now they have time to go get breakfast too.
This had not been that big of a problem before, however, “we have always had problems with our transportation,” included Mr. Frias, “but not to this extent.”
In the past the transportation wasn’t perfect, but it worked to some degree. After the current time changes there have been few complaints about the transportation so far. Golden Valley hopes that these changes will work and that students can get to school on time and have a productive school day every day.
Knarik (Kara) Shaghoyan was born and raised in Armenia and came to America as an immigrant. She knows three different languages pretty fluently: Armenian, English and Russian. She loves traveling; due to covid she hasn't been traveling much, but I’ve been to different places in Armenia, the United States and the United Arab Emirates. She has been involved in journalism for years; previously, she was a managing editor in my old school and now has a Co- EIC position in Journalism at Golden Valley.
Kara is a Sagittarius, which means that she's quite extroverted and pretty social by nature (an overall good personality trait to have for journalism). She love playing sports and exercising in general- especially water sports. She was on her old school's Water polo team for 2 years, and has been swimming for almost 10 years now.
Speaking of which, she's a new student here at Golden Valley. She came here for her junior year and she's very happy to be here and be a part of the GV community.