Golden Valley Clubs Wrap Up Fall Semester With A One Line Motto
Key Club services their community through the Trash Bash service event.
With the end of the semester, C.L.O.R.G.S as usual, have exceeded the expectations of the school with their great commitment and achievements to the school. Clubs in Golden Valley High School are very proud to have such driven students lead their club and take on such big responsibilities.
During the pandemic, many clubs had to either resume their club meetings, or meet on zoom with the obvious decrease in attendance. This had caused a huge strain on clubs’ momentum as competition teams such as Model United Nations had to stop practicing which affected the team’s performance.
Now, each CLORG came up with a one line motto to represent their club and the basic beliefs of it.
“Who screams louder than a Grizzly bear, The Golden Valley Den :)” The Den
“Empowering Women through Service and Advocacy.” Z-Club

“Mental health matters and you do too!” Bring Change 2 Mind
“Improving college resumes one semester at a time.” California Scholarship Foundation (CSF)
“You may not always feel good, but at least you always look good.” Fashion Institute of Design Merchandising (FIDM)
“Don’t have friends? Now you do!!” Circle of Friends
“Arguing in life is inevitable, but arguing to a judge (without crying) is Mock Trial.” Mock Trial

“ASU, where you learn everything but Asian stereotypes.” Asian Student Union
“The future belongs to those who who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways” SkillsUSA
“Don’t be scared to join just to donate blood, we also play fun games!” Red Cross
“We are one people.” (in latin, gens una sumus) Chess Club
“Diversity. Unity. Community.” Social Awareness Club (SAE)
“We don’t build keys, but we do open doorways for community service!” Key Club
“Helping end childhood cancer one bracelet at a time.” Bracelets for Cancer (BFC Club)
Golden Valley stands strong in ensuring that the clubs on campus are student-run. The intent of a club is to encourage students into establishing a gathering in which people of the same interests could take part in. With that, the advisors are there for any additional support, yet the students run the club and generate the ideas that really does enhance leadership skills.

Alexandra Abdo, a senior taking part in the journalism program at Golden Valley High School. Alexandra is managing editor overlooking and leading the marketing, communications, digital, and student submissions team. Other than her leadership position she also enjoys writing many various topics such as CLORG news, political breaking news, and other opinion pieces. Alexandra really values awareness, especially cultural awareness as she finds that being aware of what is happening outside of our own little bubble is crucial for personal and community success and growth. Based on her personal experiences, she feels that being in the newspaper gives her the opportunity to raise awareness that she is truly passionate about and that she feels people do not pay attention to. Alexandra had been a part of Golden Valley since freshman year and has found many programs and institutes in Golden Valley that takes leadership in. She found her passion for debate and uses that passion to participate in...