Southern California’s Heatwave

An insight into how Golden Valley High School has kept its students cool in the wake of the recent heatwave

Photo by Claire Brounsten

Route Fire in Castaic, California

Southern California recently experienced its worst heat waves of the decade. It’s no secret that California has had a history of record-breaking temperatures and heat waves. Recently the numbers hit the triple digits bringing temperatures around 110 degrees and above. The heatwave has been deemed as the longest and most severe heatwave California has experienced yet. As a result, Southern California has experienced some casualties coming from the heat.

Here at Golden Valley students have been greatly affected by the heat. The week of the 29th of September, Santa Clarita reached 112 degrees Fahrenheit. Prompting the heat, heat-related illnesses came quickly to fruition which affects the students on many levels. “It’s an example of how heat can affect productivity because if you are too hot to properly focus you would be unable to learn, and eventually it would affect your grades,” commented Patrick, a student at Golden Valley high school.

The school has made efforts to keep students out of the heat to prevent any possible instances where students become overwhelmed with heat. Classrooms are open during brunch and lunch and water stations are located all around the campus. Before entering a classroom ensure that the teacher in them is allowing students to come inside. Mr. Frias, the school’s principal, as well as the administration sent out emails during the week to the parents of students, reminding them that the students should drink water and stay indoors.

Reports of a fire near the Castaic area were made on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. The fire spread quickly and eventually spanned over 5,000 acres of land which resulted in damage to the 5 freeway. Residents in the area were recommended to evacuate if the fire spread even further. Firefighters fought hard for days to contain the spread of the fire as much as possible.

As of Saturday, September 3rd, the fire has been reported as 87% contained however this begs the question, how has this fire affected the locals? The 5 freeway, one of the more occupied freeways in California, was closed for several days so that repairs on the freeway can be made. Today the freeway is open but heavy traffic and delay are to be expected still.

One of Golden Valley High School’s neighboring schools Castaic High felt the impact that the fire had because of the close proximity to the school. Locals were evacuated and urged to get away from the area so that the fire may be contained. Take alternate routes or even the street to get to your destination if the 5 freeway is to be shut down again. The severe heat is responsible for the fire and the closure of the freeway.

With the sudden appearance of the heat, blackouts quickly became a possibility due to the stress being put on the power grid. California quickly urged its residents to conserve energy in order for blackouts or power outages to be prevented. California did not prevent any power outages but they provided us some insight on how we may prevent over-stimulation of the power grid If a similar event occurs.

While the heat still looms over us all, we should expect to see the temperatures slowly lower as we further enter the fall season and the winter season. For now, stay hydrated and out of the heat and advise others to do the same.